why this store have no contact no. how can we say if there is a problem with our connection..
please provide your costumers your landline or cp numbers so they could get in touch with your office if problems aise with their accounts
pls provide us telephone number why you don't have telephone number you adfvertise in internet somehow I lose number we go to inyour website a very big why
a very big why you have telephone number I lose your number I go internet to surf why
a very big why you don't have telephone I lose your number so I surf in the internet to look
why you don't have telephone number how we can contact you men
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why this store have no contact no. how can we say if there is a problem with our connection..
please provide your costumers your landline or cp numbers so they could get in touch with your office if problems aise with their accounts
pls provide us telephone number why you don't have telephone number you adfvertise in internet somehow I lose number we go to inyour website a very big why
a very big why you have telephone number I lose your number I go internet to surf why
a very big why you don't have telephone I lose your number so I surf in the internet to look
why you don't have telephone number how we can contact you men
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